Sshree Astro Vastu

Our Services

Secrets of Vedic Vastu

Vedic Vastu is an ancient Indian science of architecture and design that is based on the principles of Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian system of architecture that is still widely practiced today. Vedic Vastu focuses on the creation of harmonious living spaces that are in tune with the natural elements and energies that surround us.

Vedic Vastu experts believe that our living spaces have a direct impact on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. They understand that the elements of nature, such as air, water, earth, fire, and space, have a profound effect on our lives and well-being. Vedic Vastu principles are based on the belief that by aligning our living spaces with these elements, we can create a balanced and harmonious environment that supports our health, happiness, and success.

Vedic Vastu services include:

  1. Residential Vedic Vastu consultation: This service involves an analysis of the energy flow of the individual’s living space. The Vedic Vastu expert will suggest changes that can be made to enhance the positive energy flow and create a harmonious living environment.
  2. Commercial Vedic Vastu consultation: This service is for businesses and involves an analysis of the energy flow of the workplace. The Vedic Vastu expert will identify areas that need improvement to enhance the business’s success and growth.
  3. Vedic Vastu for new construction: This service is for individuals who are planning to construct a new home or building. The Vedic Vastu expert will provide guidance on the best location, design, and construction principles that will enhance the positive energy flow and bring good fortune to the occupants.
  4. Vedic Vastu remedies: This service involves the use of Vedic Vastu remedies to enhance the positive energy flow of a living space. These remedies may include the use of specific colors, materials, and symbols that are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.
Vedic Vastu

In conclusion, Vedic Vastu is an ancient Indian science that focuses on the creation of harmonious living spaces that are in tune with the natural elements and energies that surround us. By aligning our living spaces with these elements, we can create a balanced and harmonious environment that supports our health, happiness, and success. Vedic Vastu experts provide valuable insights and guidance to create a positive and harmonious living environment.

Secrets of Logo Design

Logo design is an essential aspect of branding for businesses and organizations. A logo is a visual representation of a company’s brand identity and is often the first point of contact for customers. Logo design as per Vastu is a service that uses the principles of Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian system of architecture, to create logos that are in harmony with the natural elements and energies that surround us.

Vastu experts believe that the energy flow of a space can be enhanced by aligning it with the natural elements and energies that surround us. This principle can also be applied to logo design, where the elements of the logo are designed in accordance with Vastu principles to create a harmonious energy flow.

Logo design as per Vastu services include:

  1. Logo Design Consultation: This service involves an analysis of the company’s brand identity and the design elements of the logo. The Vastu expert will provide guidance on how to incorporate Vastu principles into the logo design to enhance its positive energy flow.
  2. Logo Redesign: This service is for companies that already have a logo but want to align it with Vastu principles. The Vastu expert will provide guidance on how to modify the existing logo design to create a more harmonious energy flow.
  3. Vastu Logo Evaluation: This service involves an evaluation of the existing logo to determine if it is in harmony with Vastu principles. The Vastu expert will provide feedback on how to modify the logo design to enhance its positive energy flow.
  4. Vastu Logo Remedies: This service involves the use of Vastu remedies to enhance the positive energy flow of the logo. These remedies may include the use of specific colors, shapes, and symbols that are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.

In conclusion, Logo design as per Vastu is a service that uses the principles of Vastu Shastra to create logos that are in harmony with the natural elements and energies that surround us. By aligning the logo design with Vastu principles, businesses can enhance the positive energy flow of their brand identity and create a harmonious and prosperous energy flow. Vastu Logo design experts provide valuable guidance and insights to create logos that align with Vastu principles and enhance the positive energy flow of the brand identity.

Secrets of Geomancy

Geomancy is a divination practice that has been used for centuries to understand and interpret the energies of the earth. It is an ancient art that originated in the Middle East and spread throughout Europe and Asia. The term ‘geomancy’ comes from the Greek words ‘geo’ meaning earth and ‘manteia’ meaning divination.

Geomancy is based on the principle that the earth has a unique energy field that can be read and interpreted. It involves interpreting patterns in the earth, such as the shapes and textures of rocks, the lines in the sand, or the formations of the landscape.

Geomancy services include:

  1. Site Analysis: Geomancy practitioners provide site analysis services to individuals, businesses, and organizations to help them understand the energy flow of a particular location. The practitioner will analyze the earth patterns and formations to provide insights and guidance on how to enhance the energy flow of the site.
  2. Energy Clearing: Energy clearing is a service that involves removing negative energies from a location. Geomancy practitioners use various techniques, such as dowsing, to identify negative energies and then use specific remedies to clear them. Energy clearing can be done for both homes and businesses to create a more harmonious and positive energy flow.
  3. Feng Shui: Feng Shui is a Chinese practice that is similar to geomancy. It involves using the principles of the natural elements, such as water, wood, metal, fire, and earth, to create a harmonious energy flow in a space. Geomancy practitioners who are trained in Feng Shui can provide guidance on how to incorporate these principles into the design and layout of a space to enhance its positive energy flow.
  4. Garden Design: Garden design is another service that is often provided by geomancy practitioners. The practitioner will analyze the natural patterns of the earth and use this information to design a garden that enhances the positive energy flow of the space. The garden design may incorporate elements such as water features, rock formations, and specific plant species that are believed to enhance the energy flow.

In conclusion, Geomancy is an ancient art that provides insights and guidance on the energy flow of the earth. Geomancy services include site analysis, energy clearing, Feng Shui, and garden design, among others. By analyzing the patterns and formations of the earth, geomancy practitioners can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to create a more harmonious and positive energy flow in a particular location. Geomancy is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance the energy flow of both homes and businesses, bringing greater health, wealth, and prosperity to those who use it.

Panchang Rahasyam

Panchang Rahasyam is an ancient practice in Vedic astrology that involves the calculation and interpretation of the Panchang, which is a Hindu calendar based on the movements of the sun, moon, and planets. The Panchang is used to determine auspicious and inauspicious timings for various events and activities, such as weddings, business deals, and travel. Panchang Rahasyam practitioners provide insights and guidance on how to use the Panchang to make informed decisions and achieve success in life.

Panchang Rahasyam services include:

  1. Panchang Calculation: Panchang Rahasyam practitioners provide Panchang calculation services to individuals, businesses, and organizations. The practitioner will calculate the Panchang based on the individual’s birth details, including date, time, and location of birth. The Panchang includes information on the lunar and solar cycles, including the positions of the sun, moon, and planets, as well as astrological calculations and interpretations.
  2. Auspicious Timings: Panchang Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on auspicious timings for various events and activities. This includes identifying the most favorable dates and times for weddings, business deals, travel, and other important events. The practitioner will analyze the Panchang and provide insights on the best dates and times to ensure success and prosperity.
  3. Festivals and Rituals: Panchang Rahasyam practitioners also provide guidance on the dates and timings of various Hindu festivals and rituals. The practitioner will analyze the Panchang and provide insights on the most favorable dates and timings for these important events.
  4. Muhurta: Muhurta is a specific timing for a particular event that is considered auspicious. Panchang Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on Muhurta, which involves selecting the most favorable date and time for specific events, such as weddings, business deals, and other important occasions.

In conclusion, Panchang Rahasyam is an ancient practice in Vedic astrology that involves the calculation and interpretation of the Panchang. Panchang Rahasyam services include Panchang calculation, guidance on auspicious timings, festivals and rituals, and Muhurta. By analyzing the Panchang, Panchang Rahasyam practitioners provide valuable insights and guidance on the best timings and dates for various events and activities. This can help individuals, businesses, and organizations to make informed decisions and achieve success and prosperity in life.

Nakshatra Rahasyam

Nakshatra Rahasyam is an ancient practice in Vedic astrology that focuses on the study and interpretation of the Nakshatras, which are lunar mansions or asterisms in Hindu astrology. There are a total of 27 Nakshatras, each with its own unique energy and characteristics. Nakshatra Rahasyam practitioners provide insights and guidance on how to use the Nakshatras to understand oneself and make informed decisions in life.

Nakshatra Rahasyam services include:

  1. Nakshatra Analysis: Nakshatra Rahasyam practitioners analyze the individual’s birth chart and provide insights on the Nakshatras that influence their life. The practitioner will study the position of the moon at the time of birth and provide insights on the individual’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies.
  2. Nakshatra Compatibility: Nakshatra Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on Nakshatra compatibility for relationships, business partnerships, and other important connections. The practitioner will analyze the Nakshatras of the individuals involved and provide insights on their compatibility and potential challenges.
  3. Nakshatra Remedies: Nakshatra Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on remedies for any negative influences or challenges in the individual’s life. The practitioner will suggest specific mantras, rituals, or other remedies based on the Nakshatras and their energies.
  4. Nakshatra Forecasting: Nakshatra Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on the future based on the movements of the Nakshatras. The practitioner will analyze the Nakshatras and provide insights on potential opportunities, challenges, and areas of focus for the individual in the future.

In conclusion, Nakshatra Rahasyam is an ancient practice in Vedic astrology that focuses on the study and interpretation of the Nakshatras. Nakshatra Rahasyam services include Nakshatra analysis, Nakshatra compatibility, Nakshatra remedies, and Nakshatra forecasting. By studying the Nakshatras, Nakshatra Rahasyam practitioners provide valuable insights and guidance on understanding oneself, making informed decisions, and achieving success and prosperity in life.

Jaimini Rahasyam

Jaimini Rahasyam is an advanced branch of Vedic astrology that focuses on predictive techniques and is based on the teachings of sage Jaimini. The Jaimini system uses unique and complex techniques to analyze the planetary positions and movements to provide insights into a person’s life events and potential outcomes. Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance and insights on the predictions based on these techniques.

Jaimini Rahasyam services include:

  1. Jaimini Astrology Chart: Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners create a Jaimini astrology chart based on the individual’s birth details, which includes the position of the planets and their respective aspects.
  2. Bhava Analysis: Bhava Analysis is a unique and important technique in Jaimini astrology, which provides insights into different areas of life, including relationships, career, finances, health, and more. Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners analyze the different Bhavas in the individual’s chart and provide insights into their influence on different areas of life.
  3. Chara Dasha: Chara Dasha is another important predictive technique in Jaimini astrology that involves a complex system of dashas or planetary periods. Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners use this technique to analyze the periods of different planets and their impact on different areas of life.
  4. Timing of Events: Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on the timing of significant life events, including marriage, career advancements, and financial success. Using predictive techniques like Chara Dasha and Bhava Analysis, practitioners can provide insights on the potential timing of these events.
  5. Remedial Measures: Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners also provide guidance on remedial measures to mitigate the negative effects of planetary positions and aspects. These remedies may include chanting mantras, performing rituals, wearing gemstones, or making changes to one’s lifestyle.

In conclusion, Jaimini Rahasyam is an advanced branch of Vedic astrology that uses unique and complex predictive techniques to provide insights into different areas of life. Jaimini Rahasyam services include creating a Jaimini astrology chart, Bhava Analysis, Chara Dasha, timing of events, and remedial measures. By analyzing the planetary positions and movements, Jaimini Rahasyam practitioners can provide valuable guidance and insights into an individual’s life events and potential outcomes.

Ashtvarga Rahasyam

Ashtavarga Rahasyam is a branch of Vedic astrology that deals with the Ashtavarga system of prediction. Ashtavarga is a unique system that uses the placement of planets in different signs to predict the auspicious and inauspicious events in one’s life. The Ashtavarga system is based on the planetary strengths and weaknesses, which are calculated based on the number of points a planet receives in different signs.

Ashtavarga Rahasyam services include:

  1. Ashtavarga Analysis: Ashtavarga Rahasyam practitioners analyze the individual’s birth chart and provide insights on the Ashtavarga system of prediction. The practitioner will study the planetary positions and their placement in different signs to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the planets.
  2. Auspicious and Inauspicious Events: Ashtavarga Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on the auspicious and inauspicious events in one’s life. Based on the planetary strengths and weaknesses, the practitioner can predict the events that are likely to occur in one’s life.
  3. Ashtavarga Compatibility: Ashtavarga Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on Ashtavarga compatibility for relationships and business partnerships. The practitioner will analyze the Ashtavarga strengths of the individuals involved and provide insights on their compatibility and potential challenges.
  4. Ashtavarga Remedies: Ashtavarga Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on remedies for any negative influences or challenges in the individual’s life. The practitioner will suggest specific mantras, rituals, or other remedies based on the Ashtavarga strengths and weaknesses of the planets.
  5. Ashtavarga Forecasting: Ashtavarga Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on the future based on the movements of the planets. The practitioner will analyze the Ashtavarga strengths and weaknesses of the planets and provide insights on potential opportunities, challenges, and areas of focus for the individual in the future.

In conclusion, Ashtavarga Rahasyam is a unique branch of Vedic astrology that focuses on the Ashtavarga system of prediction. Ashtavarga Rahasyam services include Ashtavarga analysis, predicting auspicious and inauspicious events, Ashtavarga compatibility, Ashtavarga remedies, and Ashtavarga forecasting. By analyzing the planetary strengths and weaknesses using the Ashtavarga system, Ashtavarga Rahasyam practitioners can provide valuable insights and guidance on understanding oneself, making informed decisions, and achieving success and prosperity in life.

Argha Martand Rahasyam

Argha Martand Rahasyam is a branch of Vedic astrology that deals with the Argha Martand system of prediction. The Argha Martand system is based on the Navamsha chart, which is a divisional chart that provides insights into an individual’s personality, character, and potential.

Argha Martand Rahasyam services include:

  1. Argha Martand Analysis: Argha Martand Rahasyam practitioners analyze the individual’s Navamsha chart and provide insights on their personality, character, and potential. The practitioner will study the planetary positions and their placement in the Navamsha chart to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the individual.
  2. Auspicious and Inauspicious Events: Argha Martand Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on the auspicious and inauspicious events in one’s life. Based on the Navamsha chart, the practitioner can predict the events that are likely to occur in one’s life.
  3. Argha Martand Compatibility: Argha Martand Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on Argha Martand compatibility for relationships and business partnerships. The practitioner will analyze the Navamsha chart of the individuals involved and provide insights on their compatibility and potential challenges.
  4. Argha Martand Remedies: Argha Martand Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on remedies for any negative influences or challenges in the individual’s life. The practitioner will suggest specific mantras, rituals, or other remedies based on the Navamsha chart.
  5. Argha Martand Forecasting: Argha Martand Rahasyam practitioners provide guidance on the future based on the movements of the planets in the Navamsha chart. The practitioner will analyze the Navamsha chart and provide insights on potential opportunities, challenges, and areas of focus for the individual in the future.

In conclusion, Argha Martand Rahasyam is a branch of Vedic astrology that focuses on the Argha Martand system of prediction. Argha Martand Rahasyam services include Argha Martand analysis, predicting auspicious and inauspicious events, Argha Martand compatibility, Argha Martand remedies, and Argha Martand forecasting. By analyzing the Navamsha chart, Argha Martand Rahasyam practitioners can provide valuable insights and guidance on understanding oneself, making informed decisions, and achieving success and prosperity in life.

Secrets of Financial Astrology

Financial Astrology is a branch of astrology that focuses on using astrological principles to analyze and predict financial markets and investment opportunities. It combines the principles of traditional astrology with the understanding of the financial world to provide insights into the economic trends and investment strategies.

Financial Astrology services can provide the following benefits:

  1. Market analysis: Financial Astrology practitioners use planetary cycles and aspects to identify trends and potential changes in the financial markets. The practitioner can provide insights into the general economic conditions and the potential for specific industries or investments.
  2. Timing: Financial Astrology practitioners can identify the best times for investments, trade executions, and risk management strategies. They analyze the planetary positions to predict the most favorable periods for investment and the potential for financial gains.
  3. Risk assessment: Financial Astrology practitioners can help investors understand their risk tolerance and provide insights into potential financial risks. They analyze the individual’s birth chart to determine their inherent strengths and weaknesses in financial matters and suggest strategies to mitigate financial risks.
  4. Investment strategies: Financial Astrology practitioners can provide personalized investment strategies based on an individual’s birth chart and planetary cycles. They can recommend specific investments and industries that are likely to provide financial gains and suggest risk management strategies.
  5. Financial planning: Financial Astrology practitioners can provide guidance on long-term financial planning, including retirement planning and wealth management. They can help individuals understand their financial strengths and weaknesses and provide strategies to achieve their financial goals.

In conclusion, Financial Astrology is a specialized branch of astrology that uses astrological principles to analyze financial markets and provide insights into investment opportunities. Financial Astrology services include market analysis, timing, risk assessment, investment strategies, and financial planning. By using Financial Astrology, individuals can make informed investment decisions and achieve their financial goals.

Secrets of Red Book

Red Book, also known as “Lal Kitab” in Hindi, is a popular astrology book that originated in Punjab, India. It is a set of five books that contain unique and unconventional principles of astrology. Red Book astrology is known for its simple and practical approach to astrology, with a focus on providing remedies for problems in one’s life.

Red Book astrology services can provide the following benefits:

  1. Analysis of Birth Chart: Red Book astrology practitioners analyze an individual’s birth chart and provide insights on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges. They use the principles of Red Book astrology to provide practical remedies to overcome the challenges and enhance the positive aspects of the chart.
  2. Remedies: Red Book astrology is known for providing practical and affordable remedies for problems in one’s life. These remedies include simple rituals, mantras, and other remedies that are easy to perform and do not require extensive resources.
  3. Relationship Analysis: Red Book astrology practitioners provide guidance on relationships, including marriage and business partnerships. They analyze the birth charts of the individuals involved and provide insights on their compatibility and potential challenges. They also suggest remedies to overcome any challenges in the relationship.
  4. Career and Business: Red Book astrology practitioners provide guidance on career and business. They analyze the birth chart to determine the individual’s strengths and weaknesses in these areas and suggest remedies to enhance the positive aspects and overcome the negative ones.
  5. Education and Finance: Red Book astrology practitioners provide guidance on education and finance. They analyze the birth chart to determine the individual’s strengths and weaknesses in these areas and suggest remedies to enhance the positive aspects and overcome the negative ones.

In conclusion, Red Book astrology is a popular branch of astrology that originated in Punjab, India. Red Book astrology services include analysis of birth chart, remedies, relationship analysis, career and business guidance, education and finance guidance. Red Book astrology is known for its practical approach to astrology and its focus on providing simple and affordable remedies for problems in one’s life. By using Red Book astrology, individuals can overcome challenges, enhance positive aspects of their life and achieve their goals.

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